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Come and stroll the streets of Historic Downtown South Lyon where you'll find fun for all ages! You'll see a variety of carnival style games and activities provided by local Non-Profit organizations. As well as professional merchandise for sale offered by our Merchants and Artisans.

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Tickets are available for purchase and used to play the games and do the activities in the non-profit booths at Pumpkinfest.

Cost of each ticket is $1.00; cost of each game should be one ticket.
***Cash is not accepted by the non-profit games or activity booths.

Would you like to have a booth at Pumpkinfest? Booths range in price dependent on size, requirement and type. Exact pricing is detailed below.

Registration is easy!
Click the Online Application button and we'll get you started!

**Due to our limited space, Pumpkinfest does not allow MLM, Political or informational only booths.

booth application

1) NON-PROFIT Booths -   Non-profit booths are offered to groups wishing to benefit non-profit organizations or charities.
These booths must contain a game or activity which the public will pay for using tickets purchased from the ticket booths at Pumpkinfest.  Proceeds for their ticket collection is given to the non-profit or charity.

Non-Profit 10x10 $60.00 fee

Non-Profit 10x20 $120.00 fee

2)  ARTISAN Booth  -  These booths are available for artists or crafters wishing to sell handmade or handcrafted merchandise in a booth at Pumpkinfest. A photo of your product and booth setup is required with the submission of your application.  We will limit the number of same type crafters.

Artisan 10x10 = $150.00 fee

Artisan 10x20 = $300.00 fee

3)  TRADE MERCHANT Booth   - These booths are offered to small businesses that wish to sell a professional product in a booth downtown.  We will not accept MLMs, political or information only booths.  We will allow businesses to apply for a Non-Profit booth, so long as they have a game or activity in their booth and designate a Non-Profit or charity to receive the proceeds from the ticket collection.

Trade Merchant 10x10 = $175.00.00 fee

Trade Merchant 10x20= $350.00 fee


These booths are offered to large, professional businesses that wish to sell professional products at Pumpkinfest.  Large business applications are limited to available space.  Trailers or trade vans and tent setups which exceed 10x20 are subject to approval by the board.

Merchant  10 x 10 = $250.00

Merchant   10 x 20 = $500.00

Pumpkinfest Booth & Exhibitor Requirements: (Exhibitors will provide)

  • 10x10, or 10x20 straight legged tent.
  • Electricity is NOT available or provided in any booth.
  • Due to the limited space generators are not allowed in the booth area.
  • Exhibitors provide tables, displays and chairs for you or those working with you.
  • Exhibitors provide décor' to decorate their tent.  We ask you decorate your space in accordance with your business theme, a fall theme or a theme in line with the year's parade theme.
  • Exhibitors provide sufficient amounts of product to sell for 2 days to a mass public.
  • Booths are not available for MLM marketers, political or for propaganda uses.
  • Booths (dependent upon type) will contain either a game, craft, professional or artisan merchandise.
  • The Pumpkinfest Executive Committee reserves the right, at their distinction, to limit the number of "like" vendors, merchandise or games admitted to the festival.
  • Pumpkinfest Hours of Operation:
    Saturday, September 27th            10:00 A.M.  to 7:00 P.M.
    Sunday, September 28th              10:00 A.M.  to 5:00 P.M.
  • Applicants are applying for both days.  We do not allow one day entries.  All approved applicants are expected to remain at the festival for the full duration of the festival.  Arriving late or shutting down early are strictly prohibited.
  • A photo of your display should be submitted with your application.


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